Chipps 2, Mostly Vegetarian Food, Mitte CLOSED


They say babies are attracted to ‘good looking’, people with symmetrical features.  I think adults probably are too but it’s not nice to say so.  Similarly, I will admit, that I prefer the places I eat in to be good looking.  Don’t get me wrong, I won’t eat bad food in a great dining room and when I was in Vietnam, I had some excellent food in some bleak rooms where I had to squat on tiny plastic stools but still, given the choice, I choose pretty.

Chipps (now there are two) are very attractive, especially the one on Jägerstraße.  The chef from the vegetarian restaurant Cookies & Cream, consulted on the menu.  The staff is nice.  The ingredients, in tall glass cylinders, chilling on ice as you come in, are promising and then of course there is the open kitchen.

Imagine my disappointment when the first time I went to the one on Jägerstraße, I actually couldn’t eat my food.  It was that bad.  I had a pumpkins soup to start which relied so heavily on ‘knorr’ type flavouring that I couldn’t taste anything else.  As a main, I ordered home-made pasta with vegetable sauce.  I did a double take when they brought my plate, thick sheets of pasta, green beans and the same soup ladled on top as the ‘vegetable sauce’.

I mean C’mon!  They have got to do better than that!

I was this close (imagine my forefinger and thumb half a centimeter apart) from marching into the kitchen and showing the guy at the stove how easy it is to make a blended pumpkin soup and berate him or whoever had come up with the absurd idea of using soup as a sauce.

Chipps 2 opened up the street from me and Uberlin had been tweeting about their breakfasts (actually the one at Jägerstraße) so because I want to like it, I went back.  I ordered “The Bed Head” poached eggs, bacon, hollandaise sauce, chives and toast with a glass of fresh orange juice. It was pretty good actually. I would put it above the eggs benedict at Soho House, which always seem to be served cold and those at the Adlon Kempinski which are put under the grill beforehand so the Hollandaise souffles a bit – oh and they cost as much as a pair of shoes.  The hollandaise sauce at Chipps was a little grainy (from being overheated) and it could have had a touch more vinegar, but at least it was hot, the yolks of the eggs were runny, the bacon crispy and not overly salty.  My two-year old and I fought over who got to eat it.

Other bloggers posts about Chipps
Berlin on a platter

CHIPPS N°2 Friedrichstraße
Friedrichstraße 120, 10117 Berlin-Mitte
Mo – Fri 8 – late
Weekend 9 – late
T 030 34 623 612

CHIPPS N°1 Jägerstraße
Jägerstraße 35, 10117 Berlin-Mitte
Mo – Fri 8 – late
Weekend 9 – late
T 030 36 444 588

4 Responses to Chipps 2, Mostly Vegetarian Food, Mitte CLOSED

  1. James says:

    Thanks for the linky-love.
    Sorry to here the hollandaise sauce disappointed – we’re fans, but not experts!
    Defo a breakfast-only destination, a even then a little too refined – we’ve converted to the California Breakfast Slam. Recommend:

    • The hollandaise was pretty good, not perfect but I would give it a B (American grading system)
      I saw you tweeted about this slam thing – sounds violent ; ) kidding, will try it at some point

  2. James says:

    Went to Ch2 today and was a little disappointed. The breakfast half-menu is missing the vital pancakes, plus the eggs benedict had hard yolks. Unforgivable. Is that why they try to push lunch on you? Hmmmm

    • What a downer! Breakfast is really hard to do, one of the hardest because it has has to be cooked to order, so the kitchen has to be really good. I guess at Chipps they aren’t there yet.

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