Glass, Contemporary Food, Charlottenburg

Glass BerlinPinch me.

I had a meal last night, a meal I would not have expected to find in Berlin for a while yet to come.  And I had it in Charlottenburg.

I was invited to the evening by Gal Ben Moshe‘s PR agent, Regine.  I know Regine personally, her portfolio of clients is enviable – her firm does PR for Tim Raue for example.  When I write this to Gal, he replies “She does PR for Tim Raue. But she also does PR for me.”  His confidence, his directness – part of it reminds me of my good friend Ilanit who comes from the same part of Israel as Gal.  The other part, well the other part makes me wonder “Is this night going to be as good as he believes it to be in his mind?”

And you know what?  It is.  It absolutely is.Gal Ben MosheGal came up with the name Glass 3 years ago, later, when he saw this location which had previously been a gym with blacked out windows.  He knew this was where Glass would be.  A kitchen had to be built.  It’s small, with a central island where the chefs come together for plating.

“Hmmm.”  I wonder aloud “This makes me think of Grant Achatz’s kitchen.”
Alinea? Yes, I worked there.”
“You worked at Alinea??” I retort, incredulous. How has this guy worked at Alinea and not even mentioned it? Again that confidence. One that can only mean he is not going to try to prove he is good by association, he is going to let the food speak for itself. “How do they do that crazy dessert that is plated on the table and moves? Is it magnets?”
“The tables tilt.” he explains “And yes, magnets are used.” In fact the tables at Glass are the same as those at Alinea. Same manufacturer.”Glass, BerlinWe are invited to sit down in the dining room. This time, I have been allowed to bring a guest and my date for the evening is Marguerite. Next to us is Ashley, a wonderful photographer based in Berlin and Saleema of Brocade PR.  We are a riotous group as we realize we have much in common (chief among them, a love for BBC Radio 4’s desert island discs).  The noise stops with the arrival of each new dish.A picture perfect dish of vegetables

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Peeled, marinated tomatoes with rocket and buffalo mozzarella (and Next)

“Je Veux d’l’amour, d’la joie, de la bonne humeur, ce n’est pas votre argent qui f’ra mon bonheur, moi j’veux crever la main sur le coeur papalapapapala allons ensemble, découvrir ma liberté, oubliez donc tous vos clichés, bienvenue dans ma réalité.” Lyrics from Zaz (rest of lyrics here)

Let me explain.

I recently read Life, on the Line by Grant Achatz and Nick Kokonas.  It was utterly captivating, even without the incredible and unbelievable part at the end where Achatz get’s tongue cancer.  It’s a must read for everyone that has ever thought that the grass is greener on the other side or that some people are just lucky in life while they are not (Totally been guilty of these indulgent thoughts in my time, by the way).  It’s a story about perseverence, about not taking no for an answer – ever, putting your eye on the prize (your perceived prize) and not stopping until you get it.  Being the best, getting as close to perfect as you possibly can.

And this just in: you can’t have it all.

Have I convinced you to read it yet?

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