Pitt Cue Co, BBQ, Soho-London

Pitt Cue has been so hugely popular, that I got wind of it when I was still in Berlin.

It’s a tiny BBQ joint.  I didn’t believe how tiny until I saw it in bricks and mortar.  8 bar stools upstairs and a few crowded tables downstairs in the basement.  And when I say basement, I mean basement, the kind of place that were it yours, you would insist on company every time you went down to search for your ski boots. As the dark space fills up and customers down a few drinks, their bodies start to give off heat so the second time I nip down to the loo its substantially hotter than the first.  We chose to eat upstairs.  On the comfy  bar stools while we peered through the dentelle curtains at crazy busy London.  I forgot how mad this city is.  I look at its inhabitants and think they would all make a convincing mad hatter’s.

I am not a BBQ fan, it’s easy to love the food you’ve grown up with (I am not sure how many western people would go crazy over mulukhiya) but it’s a much harder sell to someone who has grown up with different taste buds to yours.   I still struggle with the English habit of putting vinegary chutney in their sandwiches or the German habit of putting in that white creamy sauce (what is that stuff?).  So despite rave reviews from The Guardian, Timeout, a funny one from The Telegraph – I wasn’t expecting to like it that much.  Oh but I did. I had the pulled pork and it was delicious, not too fatty, big juicy strands and not too sweet.  A parcel of house pickles flavoured with fennel seeds, a few strands of cabbage.  The grilled baby gem lettuce with kimchi dressing didn’t work for me, my sister generously offered to give me her fennel and apple salad which was bland but cut through the richness of the pork well.   Read more of this post